Sunday, October 07, 2007

Gene Genie #17


The 17th edition of Gene Genie has just been published on Gene Sherpas [Gene Genie #17 and 10,000 visitors].

If you don't know about Gene Sherpas then this is your chance to check it out. The blog is run by Steve Murphy, a physician with a very special interest.
I am the founder of a Personalized Medicine practice (likely the first private practice of its kind). In addition I am the Clinical Genetics Fellow at Yale University until 2010. Now not under contract and that's why I am posting and running my practice. I also am developing a modern medical genetics curriculum for residents and other physicians. On this blog I am educating the public and hopefully some physicians about the field of genetics and personalized medicine.
A former student of mine shares these interests. He tells me that physicians don't get much education in genetics while in medical school and as a result they aren't up to speed when it comes to understanding the genetics of various diseases.

Another former student of mine is a genetic counselor. This is a growing field of professionals who can advise patients (and doctors) about human genetics.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for the kind words.
    -Steve "The Gene Sherpa"
