Friday, October 05, 2007

Alert! There's a Federal Election Coming in Canada!

Garth Turner, the blogging MP, posted this cool pirate flag icon on his website [The Turner Report]. (PZ will be jealous.) It's a reference to a comment by Stephen Harper, Canada's (soon to be ex-)Prime Minister) that the Liberal Party should make up their minds whether to "fish or cut bait" when it comes to supporting his minority government.

It's worth reading what Turner has to say even if it's only to get some idea of what it takes to run a credible election campaign. He estimates that it costs $90,000 in his Halton riding.

[Hat Tip: Jennifer Smith at Runesmith's Canadian Content (Pirates of Sixteen Mile Creek).]


  1. Here's hoping you can get rid of your right-wing twit while we're waiting to say good riddance to ours.

  2. Hopefully they'll hold off until I'm a citizen (some time in May if all goes to plan) and can vote. It kills me not being able to vote in the country I live in, and I don't vote in the UK because I don't think it's fair when I won't have to live with the consequences.

    Happy Thanksgiving BTW!
