Friday, September 07, 2007

John Tory's Self-Immolation

This is from the National Post. They're supposed to be on the same side as the Progressive Conservatives. It's too cute to pass up [Colby Cosh: Tory's tumble].
EDMONTON -Where were you when John Tory lost the Ontario election? I was at my usual post in far-off Alberta, but even here Tory's Wednesday self-immolation cast a glow that you could almost warm your hands by.

As I hear it told, a radio reporter looking for a new angle asked the Conservative leader whether the fully funded religious schools he wants to pay for as premier would be permitted to teach creationism.

There's no word on whether Tory actually expressed gratitude for the layer of gasoline he had just been super-soaked with: he just went ahead and whipped out the Zippo. Creationism? Sounds great! Why, it's just one more of the menu items our $400-million will buy us! Say, why's my tie melting?


  1. Cute. I suspect Mr. Cosh is going to hear it about this paragraph though:

    (Yet, oddly enough, the most effective militancy against Darwinism in public life is mostly perpetrated by liberals and educators themselves. If Mr. Tory had wanted to reduce his political career to ashes even more rapidly, he could have suggested that eons of sexual dimorphism have endowed men and women with a completely different set of cognitive abilities and social adaptation strategies. No other view is tenable under Darwinian evolution; you don't have to take a slow boat to Galapagos to see that differences between the sexes are the universal rule in nature. And yet any politician who says as much will find himself abused to death by the Furies in a matter of hours.)

  2. Cosh wrote a nice piece in January 2007:
    In defense of atheism

  3. You make it sound as if the National Post was a party organ of the Conservative Party. As an addendum, the National Post is technically a national newspaper, thus even if it did belong to a right-wing party, it would be to the Conservative Party and not the Progressive Conservatives who only exist provincially.

  4. Dunbar says,

    ... National Post is technically a national newspaper

    Good thing you added the word "technically" but you should have put it in quotation marks. Like, the Globe & Mail is "technically" a national newspaper.

  5. I think the technical qualification applies wide-scope. As in, the National Post is technically a newspaper.
