Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Is the World Flat?

Sherri Shepherd doesn't believe in evolution. She's not sure whether the world is flat or not. After watching this clip of The View you have to wonder about the intelligence of people on television. This really is flabbergasting. If I didn't know any better, I'd say it was all an act. Nobody could possibly be that stupid.

[Hat Tip: BigHeathenMike (Sherri Shepherd Is a Retard)]


  1. you forgot to mention she also does not believe in evolution

  2. If genuine, it is also one of the cruelest and mean-spirited set ups I've ever seen. So let's slow down a bit, and not show how easy it is to whup up on the dumb-ass working class trash. It is easy, ain't it? They are almost invariably dumb bastards, alright.

    Her all too obvious bumbling ignorance notwithstanding. My bewildered father couldn't read much more than the headlines, never mind the Bible. He was surely as dunderheaded as the "the retard." And plenty mean, too.

    He worked his arse off for low wages, kept Saint Christopher handy for real emergencies, and never had the foggiest who his real enemies were. He was often so friggen exhausted that he fell asleep in his chaya (chair in Boston).

    What about the consideration that this "mark" - "this retard" didn't have the wonderful advantages that we have been so lucky to have had. Like a great public school, terrific teachers, and State U. for a pittance.

    When it's that easy, it is too easy.

  3. Some of us have lived the exact opposite of what Mark Twain said about his father.
    Twain waxed that when he was a young whippersnapper, he thought that his pappy was a bonehead. But, when he grew into manhood, Twain waxed anew.
    "I was amazed at how much he had learned in so short a time."

    For me it played out exactly the opposite from Twain's experience. The older that I grow, I continually realize how hopelessly uninformed and culturally ignorant my father was. He was always working.
    The question is why? Some of the answer says it couldn't have been in the genes. Ditto for Ms Shepherd.

  4. huh? genes? Nobody's talking genes here.

    I do however "get" her point; for all practical purposes the world is flat; whether it is actually round INDEED does not help her to feed her babies. And knowing evolution is true or not will probably not help her out either. She has a much better chance to get help from a church community than by investigating such issues.

    Us who want evolution be acknowledged as the beautiful and fascinating thing it is should honestly keep this in mind and not try to be moralizing or pushy to get people having to accept evolution. It is indeed NOT an urgent subject for most people with problems. We DO come of as idiots if we make this seem a topic as urgent and important as other inmediate human needs. Remember, science is not about politics nor charity, we must not pontificate nor take a "higher moral ground".

    Someone should as nicely as possible explain to her that whether things are true or not do not depend on whteher they are practical or not: no matter how unimportant they may seem. If you don't care to research does not mean those facts CANNOT be known,; it only means that SHE does not know. I think she can imagine that if you research it, you COULD figure if the earth is round or not.

    When people go a little bit over the top and say silly things like this, some part of them KNOWS that they are pushing it.
    Sure enough, you can see that as soon as another woman in the panel looked her in the eye and told her bluntly the earth is round she smiled and was quickly said "of course"; suddenly the world was round! That was all it took.
    If she has the same line of reasoning about evolution, no matter how repulsive she may think the tree of life to be, she should be ale to tell that she really DOES NOT KNOW evolution to be false.
    Most people don't require a PhD to KNOW when they are talkign out of their ass.

  5. Well, at least the words "library" and "book" were mentioned. Now, go there, and use that library card.

  6. The lady evokes pity in me. I can't feel any anger toward her at all.

    A scientist should be asking; What social forces caused her blatant intellectual retardedness?

  7. Was she surrounded by atheists or what? The new breed of theists is so inconsistent. They might as well call themselves deists.
