Tuesday, September 25, 2007

BPR3 Icon Winner

This is the winner in the Bloggers for Peer-Reviewed Research Reporting icon contest [… And the winner is …]. We're not supposed to start using it just yet because the designer, Uriel Klieger, is going to make a few changes based on suggestions from bloggers.

[Hat Tip: Scienceroll who thinks that there are only two science bloggers who link to references properly. And I'm not one of them. Boo!]


  1. Scienceroll who thinks that there are only two science bloggers who link to references properly

    That's not quite what he said:
    In my opinion, there are two scientific bloggers who link to references often and properly

    No "only" there, which makes it a very different statement.

  2. I didn't put in a smiley because I thought the "Boo!" was enough of a clue that I was being sarcastic.

    I guess it wasn't. :-)

  3. I'm sorry, Larry! It seems I couldn't list everyone. I only wanted to show two examples to my readers, but of course, there are far more bloggers who use references often and properly, like you. :)

  4. Great. Absolutely the most graphically appealing and recognizable, but also intuitive, to me. That it weathers shrinkage so well is a bonus...

  5. I agree with the general concept but I won't be participating in BPR3 as it stands, for reasons I outline here.
