Sunday, July 08, 2007

Socialized Medicine Will Make America Vulnerable to Terrorists

Americans are probably confused about socialized medicine after seeing Michael Moore's Sicko. Don't worry. Fox News explains why highly efficient, profit-based. corporate health care will protect America from those Jihadist Muslim doctors who are taking over the anonymous, highly bureaucratic systems in Europe.

Listen for the part about your family doctor. In America you can't have doctors who believe in stupid things because they'll be exposed by their patients and their colleagues. Apparently in socialist countries you don't have family doctors (news to me) so patients never find out what their doctors are really thinking. That's why jihadist doctors can hide out in Europe.

Why isn't there more outrage when idiotic things like this are broadcast on network television?

[Hat Tip: Canadian Cynic]


  1. In America you can't have doctors who believe in stupid things because they'll be exposed by their patients and their colleagues.

    Eg: Michael Egnor? (Not that it's hurt his career any, that I've heard of).

    Apparently in socialist countries you don't have family doctors (news to me) so patients never find out what their doctors are really thinking.

    OK, next time I see my GP (you know, the family doctor we don't have, that we haven't been seeing for 27 years, who didn't deliver both of our children, etc...), I'm going to have a little snoop in the back room where all the fancy-looking equipment is. That thing that looks like an ECG machine? Could part of a bomb, or some other sort of terrorist gizmo....

  2. I am not sure where they are getting this idea that in America we have family doctors that we have been seeing for years. Perhaps they carry the same insurance plans from job to job, or somesuch, and are lucky that their GP is in the same "network" for this plan as they were in the last, or the doctor is willing to deal with multiple bureaucracies in order to stay with the treatment of their patients for all of the years.

    I really don't get where their idea of efficiency in the marketplace of insurance plans comes from. Has any single one of them looked at the great and goofy plan this is Medicare Part D? Last I heard, the participants had well over 100 plans to choose from; some carry some of the medicines (but not all) that their physicians prescribe.

    As an American who yearly must try to make sense of the choices that my employer offers, only to discover the wonder of "donut holes" midway through the year and needing to pay $425 for a bottle of anti-seizure medication because I have exceeded my co-pay but not met the family deductible, I can tell you that the American system is exceedingly costly, inefficient and confusing. And the counties are still responsible for the 46 million who have no insurance because their small employer can't afford premiums either.

    I'll take my chances at Jihad for the ability to just go to the clinic and pay my co-pay and go home and be well.

    And Eamon, that macine in the back, cleverly disguised as an x-ray machine uses the same nuclear principles as the Fat Boy. I'd stay away.

  3. "Apparently in socialist countries you don't have family doctors"

    Oops! As a swede I have lived most of my life in a country that has been nominally social democrat most of the time. And I have always had a designated doctor. (Admittedly, job care is often most convenient because of timing and concentration of resources.)

    Though for a period it was expedient for political reasons to call them something else, and it was very hard to choose or change. Since that didn't work well, the current system is flexible for all participants. (Well, not so much for the individual doctors perhaps. Though I suspect they can rotate the occasional nutcase to colleagues or specialists. :-)

  4. Why isn't there more outrage when idiotic things like this are broadcast on network television?

    After thirty-plus years of having "network television news" tell us that black is white, up is down, nanny-statism is good, self-reliance is bad, making a profit is a mortal sin, religion is only for rednecks and other morons, and socialist countries do everything better than the US does...

    ... most of us hardly notice when a news show, whether broadcast or cable, says something stupid anymore.

  5. Thats funny. For the 18 years I lived with my parents in the UK everyone in my family had the same GP who lived in the same village as us and who my parents knew very well. This is the same story for pretty much everyone I know. If there is another American definition of 'family doctor' I'd like to know what it is.

  6. America Doesn't Need Socalized Health care

  7. I live in Romania (social democrat) and we have family doctors here.
