Tuesday, May 22, 2007

American Society for Microbiology in Toronto

The American Society for Microbiology is meeting in Toronto this week. There are several bloggers and blog readers in town and we'll be getting together over the next few days. Email me at "sandwalk at "bioinfo dot med dot utoronto dot ca" if you'd like to join us.

Tara Smith did not have a great first day. Hopefully today will be better. Jonathan Badger had a much better first day. He even met a scientifically literate Canadian customs agent. (Let's not tell him that many custom agents are university students employed for the summer.) John Logsdon is landing right now but he hasn't announced it on his blog (yet).

1 comment:

  1. Is it worthwhile for a layperson like me to attend a day? Or drop in to the exhibit hall.

    I'm definitely up for dinner.. just let me know where. I've published my address or you can call 416 580 0819. Have bike will travel or some such.
