Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Unintelligent Design

A reader send this. Thanks, Mike.



  1. It turns out that although good design is evidence for ID, bad design is't evidence against ID. Funny that.

  2. nice... I'd add testes to that image and possibly a large bracket to cover the entire body with the lable "cancer"

  3. Also missing: "prostate", "hernias" (depends on whatever 'weak abdomen' means), and crowded teeth that don't last long enough.

  4. You mean it isn't just part of His plan to make us suffer in this life?

  5. Perhaps God purposely used a poor design to keep man in his place when he got sassy -- and to ensure that humans did not live forever (and hence never have to worry about going to hell).

    You see? Creationism can explain all sorts of things.

  6. Yeah!! Probably He did it on pourpose...

  7. oh wait, I forgot that the standard answer to all of these valid points is probably, as usual, "The Fall"

  8. If the design is so great, then why didn't God make man like the picture above -- with two heads.

    That way, people would have the benefit of two opinions on every subject --including evolution vs Creationism.

  9. My biggest complaint about the design is the brain.

    What can a 1300 g brain fool itself into believing?

    Just about anything it feels like.

  10. That way, people would have the benefit of two opinions on every subject --including evolution vs Creationism.

    Well, he did invent catholics. And Francis Collins.

  11. Matthew said:
    "the standard answer to all of these valid points is probably, as usual, "The Fall""

    Except the claim is that man was a perfect creation before the 'fall'. If that's true, why does this 'perfect' system need to be fueled every day? And why a digestive/disposal system? Couldn't
    the "ID" come up with a system that could use 100% of the food that was created for it? Either the food or the human was not designed very well and therefore not perfect.

  12. That's pretty funny. Sharing this with my bio class.
