Monday, March 05, 2007

Six Reasons Why You Shouldn't Elect a Christian

John Wilkins makes the case for not electing a Christian to public office in the USA [Why Christians don't make good politicians].
  1. They are exclusive, and will favour their own over the welfare of all. Minorities like Jews, Muslims, Hindus and other religions, as well as those who lack any religion, will be marginalised.
  2. They have no moral sense, and will do whatever anyone in their faith community tells them they should do. They are religious relativists.
  3. They try to impose their own views on others by law. They will try to make religious dogma binding on those who don't share their faith. They will "normalise" their own religious beliefs.
  4. They are hypocrites, and will say one thing and do another. They will espouse Christ's teachings, and yet do the exact opposite - no fraternising with prostitutes or tax collectors, no care of strangers, no poverty vows for them.
  5. The constitution (American or Australian) prohibits the establishment of religion.
  6. They will try to impose religious holidays on the social calendar. Secular government must not make religious decisions on behalf of all people.
Are you convinced? Find out where these six reasons came from by going to John's blog.

1 comment:

  1. 1. A True Christian will never marginalize anyone based on beliefs, just as a good professor, who happens to be atheist, will never take marks off a christian student's test for the sole reason of his christianity. A generalization that has little historical truth.

    2. And atheists have all the moral sense? No, a good politican - whether christian or not - would rule by the book rather than what his or her religious community dictates. Another rash generalization typical of anti-christian arguements.

    3. So they try to normalize their beliefs. Yes that often happens but it would happen with any person of any faith with any types of belief. A muslim or jew or agnostic or atheist would similarily do the same thing. Why now would you care to only mention Christians? Again, more christian-bashing with strawman arguements. Christianity has nothing to do with it. Rather, its human nature that tries to impose its will on others.

    4. Yes often that happens, but all Politicans do that. They break their promises once getting into office. Its unfair to say that only christians do that. You know that and so do I. Its by virtue of human nature, not their religion. Another strawman arguement.

    5. Yes it does. But funny how the same constituion mentions One nation under God. Guess its writers were also hypocrites.

    6. No they dont actually. Thats completely false. The religious holidays are there and have been there for a while, they dont add to it. But if you dont like the holidays Im sure theres always some place out there looking for employment. Funny how the last arguement is the weakest when usually its supposed to send the "final blow".


    In sum, Im suprised someone as educated as yourself Dr. Moran would post such strawman arguements on your blog. I realize you did not write them, but why post something that is so false? The writer is obviously anti-christian because he targets christians for things anyone would do in office.

    In closing, vote for whoever the hell you want. Politicans will always be the same in the end.
