Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Canada .... hmmmm

You have to watch it right to the end ..... I don't know whether to laugh or cry (it's pretty funny).

[Hat Tip: Canadian Cynic]


  1. Coulter is a vile madwoman.

  2. Re g. tingey

    Actually, Ms. (Mr.) Coulter is quite possibly a hermaphrodite. I think that she (he) should be challenged to produce a cheek swab for DNA testing for a Y chromosome sometime when she (he) is on the idiot tube.

  3. That would explain all the convoy traffic along the Arnold Trail.

  4. If I am not mistaken, the US did attempt an invasion of Canada. The invasion forces were pushed all the way back to the 'white' house (painted white because Canadians set it on fire)

  5. the US did attempt an invasion of Canada.

    In 1812, as immortalized in a song by "3 Dead Trolls in a Baggie":

  6. The US has invaded Canada a number of times. For instance, it was routine in the 17th century for Harvard Classmen to get together, rent a boat, and invade a Papist town in canada. A windvane taken from a municipal building on one of those forays was returned to Canada (from Harvard College) a few years ago. Then there was that war of 1812 thing, the results of which make Minnesota the northern most of the lower 48, and allows for a lot of additional excellent in-state fishing up on Lake of the Woods.

    But the sad thing about this video is that it is much, much too close to reality.

  7. I'm afraid the Canadians (British) can't take all the credit for The White House.

  8. I've invaded Canada myself a few times. I generally had a good time.
