Saturday, February 10, 2007

What a Surprise!

You are 100% atheist!

Hooray you are an atheist with respect to most or all gods. Good work. Hope you aren't disbelieving in the wrong one...

Am I An Atheist
Create a Quiz


  1. That quiz needs a "maybe" option for each god question.

  2. It's not a quiz for agnostic wimps! You've got to make a choice. You either believe in Gods or you don't. :-)

    Did you take the quiz? How did you do? How 'bout the rest of your family? Did they "pass"? :-)

  3. I am also 100% atheist. What do you suppose the odds of that are? It must be a miracle!

  4. Well, the questions were kind of easy, doncha think? :-D

  5. Even if you post "no" to denying the holy spirit you still get a 100% atheist, but if you say there is a teapot orbiting the sun you get a 89%.

  6. Wait a minute. What about the teapot. There is one on my desk right now and I think it is in orbit around the sun. 89%

  7. Larry replied to me:
    It's not a quiz for agnostic wimps! You've got to make a choice. You either believe in Gods or you don't. :-)

    The questions were not phrased as "Do you believe in X?", but "Does X exist?". "Maybe" or "Don't know" is a possible response (count that as half-atheist).

    Also: I'm not sure whether Muslims would consider God and Allah to be different -- there's an assumption that "God" specifically designates Christian (and maybe Jewish) belief.

    Did you take the quiz? How did you do? How 'bout the rest of your family? Did they "pass"? :-)

    I scored 100% when answering for myself (I personally don't have any significant doubts). I went back and gave orthodox Christian answers (ie: God=Yes, Satan=Yes, Deny Holy Spirit=No), and got 89% atheist, which of course is the point of the quiz: that even the devout are atheist w.r.t. everyone else's god(s).

    I don't know if my wife took the quiz. The kids are off at college. The cats just said (more or less): "Get that damn computer off MY designated sleeping spot!" (ie., my lap). They of course, are atheist w.r.t. all gods except themselves (another omission from the quiz!)

  8. The questions were not phrased as "Do you believe in X?", but "Does X exist?"

    You are rather pushing the definitions.

    Also: I'm not sure whether Muslims would consider God and Allah to be different -- there's an assumption that "God" specifically designates Christian (and maybe Jewish) belief.

    Let's put it to the "Susan" test. Do you know someone named Susan? So do I! Maybe we know the same person. Is the Susan you know an architect in St. Louis? No? Does the Susan you know raise rare orchids? No? Does the Susan you know drive a Mazda RX-8? No? Well, maybe one of us is wrong on the details, but I still think it's safe to assume we're talking about the same person.

  9. No fair.

    I got less than 100% because I'm pretty sure there IS a teapot orbiting the sun, or more than one actually. For instance the one on my stove IS orbiting the sun.

    Larry, do you NOT think there is a teapot orbiting the sun???????

  10. Greg Laden asks,

    I got less than 100% because I'm pretty sure there IS a teapot orbiting the sun, or more than one actually. For instance the one on my stove IS orbiting the sun.

    Larry, do you NOT think there is a teapot orbiting the sun???????


    I've just finished dealing with the student lawyers who want more marks on their term test. I bet you were a real pain in the ass when you were a student, right? :-)

  11. 100% too.

    Ah, the student lawyers. That phrase reminded me of myself.

  12. RE orbiting teapots: I'd like to hear from an astronomer on this. I suspect that objects are said to be orbiting the dominant gravitational body. For example, the moon is said to orbit Earth; Jupiter's moons are said to orbit Jupiter. The Earth, and the Moon-Earth system is said to orbit the sun. If this is so, then your teapot orbits the Earth with a period of 24 hours.

    Maybe you could ask The Bad AStronomer about this.
