Tuesday, February 06, 2007

God Doesn't Like Chicago


Here's a picture of the winning football team praying together after the big game on Sunday [New York Times]. I assume they're thanking God for the victory. I wonder what was going on in the other dressing room? Do you suppose there was a mass conversion to atheism?


  1. This is amazing. Here you have an entire room full of people, and they genuinely believe they are talking to an invisible magic man in the sky!

    How can people in this day and age be so...primitive?!

  2. Since when did belief in God go out of fashion?

  3. Since when did belief in God go out of fashion?

    In many countries it's still fashionable to make public displays of your superstitious beliefs. Iran, Israel, and America are good examples.

    It's much less fashionable in civilized countries.
