Saturday, February 17, 2007

Gene Genie: The First Issue

Gene Genie is a blog carnival that discuses human genes.The first installment of Gene Genie has been posted on ScienceRoll.

Gene Genie is a new carnival and judging by the first issue it's going to be a great one. You can learn about all kinds of things. Check it out.

Here are the human genes covered today: GDF5, DARPP-32, HSPA5, GAA (acid α-1,4-glucosidase, SHH (sonic hedgehog). Only 23,995 to go!

The coffee plant genes, SUS1 and SUS2. are also described.


  1. How reliable is that gene number? Is the scientists homing in on a certain number now? I've even seen below 20000 as another number.

  2. It's not all that reliable. We don't know exactly how many real genes there are. The best guesses are about 22,000 give or take a thousand or so.

    I think we're honing in on the right number as the genome annotation nears completion. I doubt there are less than 20,000 and it's unlikely that there are more than 24,000.


    The Design Paradigm, a blog run by members of the Cornell IDEA Club, is asking for testable predictions made by "Darwinism" (i.e. evolution via the mechanism if natural selection). Your contributions welcome!

  4. ivy privy says,

    The Design Paradigm, a blog run by members of the Cornell IDEA Club, is asking for testable predictions made by "Darwinism" (i.e. evolution via the mechanism if natural selection). Your contributions welcome!

    I checked the IDEA club at Cornell. It's a strange group. The club seems to be a place where all the IDiots on campus come together to advertise their ignorance of science. Sort of like the Luddite societies of the early nineteenth century.

    None of the students seem to have a clue about biology. I guess that's why they need so much help. The fact that they can't come up with a single prediction based on natural selection speaks volumes about their intelligence. I'm surprised that you advertise such ignorance.

  5. None of the students seem to have a clue about biology. I guess that's why they need so much help. The fact that they can't come up with a single prediction based on natural selection speaks volumes about their intelligence.

    Their parent organization, The IDEA Center, was founded by Casey Luskin. The IDEA Center no longer requires local club officers to be Christian.

    I'm surprised that you advertise such ignorance.

    It'll make more sense when you realize which side I'm on.
