Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Dilbert Parody

This is priceless. I know every one of my blogger friends is going to post this parody of Dilbert by The Bronze Blog but I can't resist. For those of you who haven't been following the saga of Scott Adams and his IDiocy, see "Is Scott Adams an IDiot?."

Click on the cartoon to enlarge.


  1. Larry,
    It's amazing how easily your panties get in a bunch over different view points.

    Your dogmatic fundamentalism is amusing.

  2. gatsby blastyn says,

    It's amazing how easily your panties get in a bunch over different view points.

    What are the alternatives? Do you want my panties to bunch up over people who agree with me or do you expect me to ignore all IDiots and keep my lace straight forever?

  3. How about not act as emotional? Even if your view would be right, you're certainly not justified to act as confident as you do.... because you don't know.

    You're no different than me. You have doubts about your views. But in reaction to your doubts you become more polarized in your views.... further distancing you from reality.

    You see someone in dissent with your views and it frustrates you. Because you appear to be closely wedded (emotionally) to those views. While a person truly confident in his/her beliefs wouldn't need to act like you do.... because the dissent would be irrelevant.
    You wave off any disagreement with labels of the person being an idiot, irrational, so on.

    As your views become more polarized (if that's possible, maybe it is) you'll become more and more divorced with the human element in you. You'll spew more vitriol at those who aren't completely in-line with your views - portraying them to be dumb, evil....
    But only because you know that your polarized position is that tenuous. That's why you act the way you act. Paint it up any way you wish, but you're fooling yourself.

    Peace Homeboy.

  4. "Even if your view would be right, you're certainly not justified to act as confident as you do.... because you don't know." And your qualifications to make this pronouncement are what, exactly?

    Look, the fact that ID is a bunch of crap is just that, a fact. Larry is (as I am,) trained, rather extensively, to understand the science which demonstrates that fact (moreover, Larry is an actual contributor to the science of evolutionary biology). You, almost certainly, are nothing of the sort. So your opinion (like the dumbbell cartoonist's)is entirely worthless. Sorry if that offends you folks whose minds are so open a breeze blows between your ears. Wait.. no, I'm not sorry at all.

  5. Look, the fact that ID is a bunch of crap is just that, a fact.

    That's a fact? Sounds more like an opinion.

    Larry is (as I am,) trained, rather extensively, to understand the science which demonstrates that fact

    It certainly sounds like it. Science demonstrates what is crap and what is not? Sorry, you don't sound 'rather extensively' trained.

    moreover, Larry is an actual contributor to the science of evolutionary biology

    Bravo, Larry.... my point above still stands.

    You, almost certainly, are nothing of the sort.

    And you're basing this off of the fact that I disagree with you. How emotional of you.

    So your opinion (like the dumbbell cartoonist's)is entirely worthless.

    To someone as emotionally wedded to their beliefs as you are, I can understand why you might feel that way.

    Sorry if that offends you folks whose minds are so open a breeze blows between your ears.

    Don't worry, I'm not offended.... fundamentalists don't offend me, they exaggerate many things.

    Wait.. no, I'm not sorry at all.

    Poor guy can't even make up his mind. Responding emotionally will do that to you.

  6. "That's a fact? Sounds more like an opinion." Naturally, since you're intellectually unequipped to tell the difference. Yawn. This stuff was already old and moldy when Protagoras was alive.

  7. Forgot all about this.
    Steven, for as trained as you are, why don't you critique what I actually said?
    You and Larry aren't bad guys, I'm sure you mean well. I don't know why you get as insultive and degrading as you do in your criticisms. I would have to blame your parents.... because neither of you are acclimated to handle opposition that doesn't involve resorting to insults.

  8. This parody obviously proves Mr. Adams' point that there is no balance. You are calling him an "IDiot" for believing that intelligent design might have designed the world. He's not saying, "This is the fact and fuck you if you don't believe it." He's just suggesting that there be balance, but you are calling him an idiot.

    Additionally, he writes about office work, so it's kind of irrelevant what his belief on the possibility of ID is. It's really intolerant of you to attack him for something like this, while offering no balance at all.
