Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Can You Hear the Drums Beating?

The International Herald Tribune reports on how Bush defends buildup of pressure on Iran.
Under pressure to explain the buildup of American military and economic pressure on Iran, President George W. Bush said Wednesday that highly lethal explosives smuggled into Iraq had certainly come from an arm of the Iranian government, and that it did not much matter whether top Iranian government officials had sanctioned the smuggling.
Iran has WMD—weapons of minor destruction—and they're sneaking them into Iraq. Does this sound familiar? Who is providing this information about Iran? Is it the same people who told us about WMD's in Iraq and how Saddam Hussein was in cahoots with Al-Qaeda?

Where is Dick Cheney?
There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.
                                                   George W. Bush 2002


  1. The rhetoric is the same. But I doubt Russia will allow things to go too far this time without a stern warning. If Israel wants to invade Iran, let them - with their money and their blood.

  2. Israel will not invade Iran - they will do a long-range air/missile strike - if they have to, and that time is not yet.

  3. Yeah, it does sound familiar. The difference is that this time, they have hard evidence that no rational person can argue with -- for example, more than a hundred high-caliber sniper rifles, made in Austria and sold to Iran for internal security use, have been found in insurgent arms caches in Iraq, and have been responsible for the deaths of a number of Coalition soldiers.

    To one of those worthless scum who believes the soldiers are mercenary murderers who deserve whatever they get, I suppose that doesn't sound like much. To decent human beings, however, it's quite significant.

  4. See:

    "Bush has sent two battle carrier groups, replete with nukes, to the Persian Gulf, and a third is reportedly preparing to follow."

    "The government of Israel, which also has nukes, is fueling the call for an invasion of Iran."

    Of course, all of this fits in well with the evangelical "end-of-times" crap. I'm sure Israeli hawks just love the fundies.

  5. wolfwalker says,

    The difference is that this time, they have hard evidence that no rational person can argue with -- for example, more than a hundred high-caliber sniper rifles, made in Austria and sold to Iran for internal security use, have been found in insurgent arms caches in Iraq, and have been responsible for the deaths of a number of Coalition soldiers.

    Who is "they"? Is it the same people who told you that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction?

    Fool you once ....
