Thursday, January 04, 2007


ReGenesis is a TV show produced in Mississauga, a suburb of Toronto. (I live there.) The scientific advisor is Aled Edwards, a colleague at the University of Toronto.

One of the remarkable features of the show is the reality of the biotech lab. It has all the latest equipment and gadgets and none of the scientists wear lab coats. The set was recently featured in a Toronto Star article [Putting the gee in genome].

Visit the ReGenesis website and click on "Lab Tour" then click on "NorBac Tour" to try and solve a problem using the latest biotech tools. The simulation will show you what the set looks like. The website has been nominated for several awards.

The first season's episodes are coming to The Movie Network. Watch for it.

1 comment:

  1. No safety glasses either... Must be a university lab.

    Do they have Kimwipes? It's not a biochem lab without 'em.
