Thursday, January 18, 2007

James R. Drummond

James R. Drummond is an Emeritus Professor in Residence in the Department of Physics at the University of Toronto [James R. Drummond, Toronto]. He currently holds a Canada Research Chair in Remote Sounding of Atmospheres at Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia [James R. Drummond, Dalhousie]. Prof. Drummond received his B.A.(1972), M.A., and D. Phil.(1977) degrees from Oxford, UK.

Drummond recently attracted attention because of something he said in an article published by the Star Tribune in Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota USA [The secret life of arctic clouds.].
If we compare the debate over the theory of evolution with the debate over the theory of global warming -- global warming's a whole lot more certain at the moment.
That's a remarably stupid thing for a scientist to say and PZ Myers picked up on it right away. So did one of the editors at the Star Tribune who honed right in on Drummond's doubts about evolution [Thanks, Jim Drummond. Thanks a lot].

I contacted Drummond by email to see if he really was an IDiot. Prof. Drummond claims he can't remember exactly what he said because the interview was a long time ago. He says that what he meant was that global warming was just as certain as evolution. When asked if he was a Creationist or a fan of intelligent design, he avoided the question and emphasized the problem of global warming.

The impression I get is that he has some personal doubts about the validity of evolution and that may explain the quoted remark.

I think we've got a live one, folks. I sent him the link to PZ's blog. I can't imagine that he would read that and not take the opportunity to distance himself from those who believe in superstition.


  1. Thanks for bringing this to our attention and going the extra mile by contacting him and giving him a chance to "clear" things up. Too bad it sounds as if Toronto may have a Behe type on its faculty.

  2. He now a Professor at Dalhousie Univeristy in Nova Scotia.

  3. Hmm... you did say Nowa Scotia, didn't you? Looks like these bifocals need adjusting ... or something.
