Saturday, January 20, 2007

Janet D. Stemwedel

I'm sitting in a lecture theater at the 2007 North Carolina Science Blogging Conference. Right now Janet Stemwedel of Adventures in Ethics and Science is talking about how to be a blogging scientist. The title of her session is "Adventures in Science Blogging: Conversations we need to have and how blogging can help us have them."

Good communication skills are essential but there are many traditional ways of communicating. So, why blog? Because blog conversations happen on a short timescale so there's instant feedback and debate. And the record of this conversation is permanent.

Blogs give us the opportunity to respond quickly to recently published papers and newspaper articles.


  1. How awesome of you to liveblog with pictures! Can't wait to hear more.

  2. There were a dozen people liveblogging and taking photos. The room was set up for internet access and power at every seat. Very impressive.
