Thursday, January 04, 2007

Gerald Ford

One of my theist friends, Denny Cochran, took this picture of the planes that flew over the Gerald R. Ford Museum in Grand Rapids during the funeral on Wednesday. The flight is following the Grand River from Lake Michigan. According to Denny, the lead planes are right over the Museum.

The services were very moving even for a Canadian. I was living in the USA when Ford became Vice-President and I always thought he was good for the country.

One of the things that surprised me about the funeral sevices in Washington was the prominent presence of the military. I guess that's to be expected when a former commander-in-chief dies.


  1. Denny Cochran is a good friend of mine too - great picture, Denny!

    In his brief 2-year tenure, Gerald Ford carried out two of the most momentous actions for the USA in the 20th Century: he oversaw the end of the Vietnam war, and he pardoned Nixon. The latter action saved the country from years of acrimonious litigation - and cost Ford his election to a second term. Truly a great man!

    Derek Hatley

  2. I agree with you that pardoning Nixon was a good move, but I don't get a vote.

    Does it come a surprise that Ed Brayton disagrees? Ed wants "justice."
