Friday, December 22, 2006

Varsity Centre Bubble Now Inflated

The new Varsity Centre bubble has now been inflated over the University of Toronto football field on Bloor Street. Students have been looking forward to this event for some time: it means they can now play Ultimate Frisbee all winter.

The press release talks exclusively about athletics but we all know the real reason for creating such a large, heated enclosure. In Canada, the gyms and arenas are stuffed with desks and chairs at this time of year and used for exams.

Rumor has it that the bubble is energy efficient. It recycles a lot of the hot air generated on campus.


  1. it means they can now play Ultimate Frisbee all winter.

    The name of the sport is simply Ultimate. Frisbee is a registered trademark.

  2. I'm assuming all that hot air is coming from first year philosophy students?
