Saturday, December 02, 2006

Uncool Film Wins in Toronto

Denyse O'Leary is on to us. She reports that a religious film won the People's Choice Award at the Toronto film festival in September. O'Leary says, ...
Materialists, it seems, cannot count on the support of the public, not even in secular Toronto. Give the people a vote and everything’s lost. Hence the importance, to the materialist, of indoctrinating students at public expense in the school systems and suppressing dissent at the universities.
I apologize to all my materialist friends for letting you down. I tried to bribe as many film goers as I could by giving out free Tim Horton's gift certificates but I ran out. (And it was raining on two of the nights.) I warned them not to vote for Bella 'cause it would foil our attempts to keep the IDiots from getting tenure.

Alas, I failed. I've submitted my resignation to the The Grand Poobah of the World Materialist Conspiracy.

1 comment:

  1. The sad thing about Bella is that it's the type of film that will be seen and enjoyed in all the "atheist urban centers" but probably be ignored in the Bible belt, because the film is too "artsy".
