Monday, December 04, 2006

See the IDiots Gloat

Dave Scott and Uncommon Descent have "discovered" that the homepage of TalkOrigins Archive has links to porn sites [ Delisted by Google for Porn Links On Home Page]. It sure didn't take them very long did it?

Naturally, being IDiots, they attribute this to some sort of evil evolutionist conspiracy in spite of the fact that the real explanation has been widely disseminated. Read the comments. Dave Scott openly wonders whether the site was really hacked. Shame on him.


  1. DaveScot didn't "discover" it; I told him, on the thread relating to UD's own delisting:-

    Oddly enough, despite the fact that he knew Wesley's explanation as soon as he knew about the delisting, he didn't refer to that explanation in his original post. Whodathunkit...

  2. Dave Scott openly wonders whether the site was really hacked. Shame on him.

    DaveTard has no shame.

  3. How can DaveScot be wrong? He claims to be an autodidact superhuman genius with an IQ north of 150. I'm sure he could just breeze through larry's classes.

  4. Has anyone actually gotten to the bottom of how and when the hackery was done, and by whom?

  5. Well, DaveScot has been exercising his nerd skills on the TOA strings and claims to have traced it to Drive Cleaner, an ugly piece of work, as he describes it.

    He certainly must feel he has angels on his side, the way he follows those dirty links.

    How wry it will be if he has to admit that UD got delisted back in Sept. for exactly the same reason as TOA, especially given his reactions to his own problems vs his comments on Wesley's reactions.

    He has now taken back his claim that an unauthorised mirror site was the cause of UD getting delisted. At least this once, evidence has caused him to re-evaluate his previous unfounded speculation.

    We can now wait to see if apologies are forthcoming from him on the rest of his innuendo.

    It's hard to respect someone who jumps to so many defamatory conclusions without any evidence. Then again, ID is based on an argument from ignorance.

  6. To be fair, when UD became unlisted in september, the anti-ID crowd (the appeasers and the non-appeasers) gloated at least as much.

  7. Randy,
    I'm clearly anti-ID and I do consider DaveScot as being one of the main-IDots around.

    I did spent time to explain how Denyse O'Leary creates problems for UD copy/pasting the same stuff around. She do continue doing the same :-)
    But, I'm persona non grata at UD.

    I do published (trackbacking UD) one of my comments here. Check that :-)

    To be fair I do think DaveScot is a Master-IDiot.

    The post is gone actually, but there is a cache saved for posterity
