Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Creationist Engineer Demonstrates the Meaning of IDiot

Check out 'Looney' - another creationist engineer with all the answers from Scott Page on All-Too-Common Dissent.

On talk.origins there's something called the "Salem Hypothesis" which states that when a creationist claims to understand science they are much more likely to be an engineer than a real scientist.


  1. Yes, Looney is an obvious idiot.

    On talk.origins there's something called the "Salem Hypothesis" which states that when a creationist claims to understand science they are much more likely to be an engineer than a real scientist.

    Be careful here. Even if true, correlation does not imply causality. So what exactly are you trying to do besides piss off evolutionist engineers? (presumably your allies). Similar correlations could also be made between gender and creationism, or between race and crime.

    And what exactly is a "real scientist"? Behe?

  2. Have you ever seen one of those machines that puts caps on bottles? Really, it goes round and round and stuff goes "click" and "snap" and it all happens so fast.

    It's mind boggling.

    Mind boggling.

    Those machines are sooooo complex that, well, nobody could have designed them.

    I certainly don't have a clue. How could you?

  3. Oi!

    I object.
    I've got an M.Sc. in Engineering (first degree in Physics) and I know what ID-iocy and Cretinism are.

    Just because a few go off the rails (oops!) you should not demean the rest of us.
