Friday, November 17, 2006

A Fin Is A Limb Is A Wing

I highly recommend A Fin Is a Limb Is a Wing by Carl Zimmer, probably the best science journalist in the world. It's in this month's issue of National Geographic. I bought it on the newsstand just so I could have a copy of the article and the wonderful photographs.

As a special bonus, we get to read Carl's posting about this article on the Loom.

It gets a lot better. The IDiots at the Discovery Institute couldn't resist making fools of themselves once again. Casey Luskin posted a critique of Carl's article where he (Luskin) pretends to be a scientist. Imagine the stupidity of someone like Luskin lecturing Carl Zimmer on misrepresenting science! The mind boggles.

The upside to this silliness is that Carl Zimmer has responded in detail to Luskin's charges by posting a lengthy article on his blog [Getting the Mooney Treatment]. It's a wonderful explanation of how a good writer creates a top quality science article in a leading magazine. Thanks Carl.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this link to the article, because I never did get the hardcopy.

    I just devoured Zimmer's "At the Water's Edge: Fish with Fingers, Whales with Legs" over the past few days. I can't get over how smoothly he writes and how well he presents complex information.
