Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Canada Wins "Fossil of the Day"!!!


This is so exciting! Canada hardly ever wins anything except international hockey tournaments.

All we had to do was rack up one of the worst environmental records in the world. It was a close race—we were barely edged out by the USA and they're a lot bigger than we are!

Here's the story in the Toronto Star. The first three paragraphs say it all ...
Canada has been handed its second consecutive "fossil" award for its poor performance on the environment - attention that’s richly deserved, an expert says.
Climate Action Net work, a coalition of environmental lobby groups, singled out Canada at in ternational talks today in Nairobi. But Environment Minister Rona Ambrose is fighting back.
In a brief scrum outside the conference hall, the minister said the federal government is intensively negotiating with Canadian industry on cutting greenhouse emissions, and short-term targets should be in place by mid-January.
Yeah, right. Don't bet on it. We'll be back next year looking for revenge. We'll settle for nothing less than first place. Those Americans better watch out, Harper is gunning for you, Dubya.


  1. "Canda Loses Spellchecking Title"

  2. have you noticed this isnt the first time Canada has one this distinction:


  3. Shhhhhh. It's bad enough without making it worse!
