Wednesday, November 07, 2012

A New Grandson

Luca Gerard Tarabokia was born early on Sunday morning. He's named after Michael's great grandfather, Luca Tarabokia, who came to America almost one hundred years ago from an island in the Adriatic Sea (now Croatia). Here's a photo of Luca with his mother (my daughter), Jane, and his big sister Zoë.


  1. How wonderful! Congratulations, Larry!

  2. Congratulations! Luca will be fast soccer player. Trust me.

  3. Congratulations, another native Californian,may he be a surfer and soccer player,the best of two worlds.

  4. Congratulations!

    Likely, Luca will be playing soccer and surf. And, I can assure you that he will be an evolutionist. It’s in his name! He has long, long ancestral lineage going back to his great, great, great...famous grandfather: LUCA (as in Last Universal Common Ancestor!)

  5. I agree with Claudiu: being named after the ultimate (great)ⁿ-grandpa is really something! The surname is interesting too: it's one of the oldest family names on the Croatian island of Susak. The island has a population of about 180 today, but practically anyone called Tarabokia, Tarabokija, Tarabochia, Tarabocchia or Taraboća, anywhere in the world, can be safely assumed to have a patrilineal ancestor there.

  6. What about asking Larry to calculate for us the number of generations on the (direct) line of descent between LUCA and Luca? And, of course, we expect some details, including number of genes, genome sizes, evolutionary force, etc., all the good staff that only a loving scientist-grandfather can produce!

  7. As I said before, I was looking forward to the pictures demonstrating your (and Mrs. Sandwalk's) differential reproductive success and they do not disappoint.

    Many, many congratulations!

  8. All the best. Great picture of Zoe, fascinated by her lil' brother.
